Monthly pricing varies based on state, coverage level, and service call fee selected.
Starter From $35/mo.*
Essential From $50/mo.*
Premium From $70/mo.*
Kitchen Refrigerator
Kitchen Range Hood
Microwave Oven (built-in only)
Oven / Range / Cooktop
Clothes Washer and Dryer
Trash Compactor
Plumbing Stoppages
Toilet Tanks, Bowls and Mechanisms
Garbage Disposal
Water Heater
Hose Bibbs
Install Ground Level Cleanout
Instant Hot Water Dispenser
Shower Head and Shower Arm
Fans (attic, exhaust, ceiling, whole house)
Garage Door Opener
Garage Door Springs, Hinges, and Transmitters
Central Vacuum System
Air Conditioning
Mini-split Ductless Systems
Registers, Grills, Filters
Window AC Units
Additional Limits
Concrete Encasement
HVAC Lifting Equipment
Improper Installations / Modifications
Permits and Code Violations
Refrigerant Recapture, Reclaim, Disposal
Options (price per month)
Air Conditioning
Pre-season HVAC Tune-up
Roof Coverage
Well Pump
Water Softener
Pool/Spa Equipment
Additional Refrigeration
Septic Tank Pumping / System
Basic From $35/mo.*
Premier From $49.50/mo.*
Covered Systems and Appliances
Oven / Range / Cooktop
Microwave Oven (built-in only)
Kitchen Refrigerator (built-in or free standing)
Kitchen Range Hood
Trash Compactor
Clothes Washer
Clothes Dryer
Attic and Exhaust Fans, Ceiling Fans, Whole House Fans
Garbage Disposal
Instant Hot Water Dispenser
Central Vacuum System
Plumbing Stoppages
Garage Door Opener
Water Heater
Options (price per month)
Central Air Conditioning
Pool/Spa Equipment
Additional Refrigeration (up to 4 units)
Well Pump
First Class Upgrade
Septic System
Pre-season HVAC Tune-up
Options can be added to either plan for the additional monthly contract fees at time of enrollment.
*Includes a $3 handling fee per payment. Does not apply to Full Payment Plan. Pricing varies by location. Please request a quote for details. Please see a sample contract for exact/specific coverage terms and limitations.
Call 800.327.9292 to enroll today!
View Sample Contract
Select State:
This is an annual contract. Pricing is for single-family residential homes under 5,000 square feet. Call for quotes on homes 5,000 square feet and over, multiple units, condos, townhomes, mobile homes, and guest homes.
*Please read your contract for specific coverage and limitations. In some instances, Homeowner and First American may agree to payment of cash in lieu of repair or replacement. Payment will be made based on First American’s negotiated rates with its suppliers, which may be less than retail.
*Monthly plans include a $2 handling fee per payment, which will not apply if you pay annually. Pricing varies by location. Please request a quote for details. This is an annual
contract. Options can be added to plans at time of enrollment. Pricing is for single-family residential homes under 4,000 square feet. Call for quotes on homes 4,000 square feet
and over, multiple units, condos, townhomes, mobile homes, and guest homes. Please review the sample contract for specific coverage, limitations, terms and Service Call Fee